

How to clean makeup brushes naturally

Use homemade makeup brush cleaner to prevent acne. Makeup should not cause acne. However, if the brush is not cleaned regularly, makeup may do more...

Winter skincare tips

When the weather gets cold, dry skin and hair are common problems. As the air gets colder and drier, many people will produce less...

Is hair dye toxic?

How to avoid toxic hair dye and use natural alternatives. It's estimated that up to 75 percent of women color their hair. Although hair dye is a...

Homemade makeup remover and makeup remover wipes

Improve your skin health by removing makeup every night. Try out this homemade makeup remover. Not only is it totally natural and safe, but it won’t...

The secret to making skin look younger

During red carpet season, we ogle celebrities at the award ceremonies, examining their skin and hair, along with “who they’re wearing.” It’s hard not to...

A natural solution for peeling and irritated scalp

Great news! You are not stuck with dry, flaky, itchy, or irritated skin on your scalp. Whether you’ve been dealing with this issue for...

How to Smell Sweet Without Chemical Perfume

We all want to smell great, but many chemical perfumes contain compounds that can irritate skin and increase our exposure to endocrine disruptors. Luckily,...

How to Heal and Conceal Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that usually presents with redness that extends across the nose and cheeks. It can also include increased flushing (blushing),...

A Must Try Recipe