

Electrolyte Drink DIY

Make your sports drink to get your daily dose of electrolytes. Sometimes, minerals are lost during exercise, and hydration alone is not enough. Weekend sports...

6 Foods and supplements to Help Reduce muscle soreness

If you're into fitness and have a good exercise routine, chances are you're used to regular muscle soreness. Many people think muscle soreness is...

Tips for improving your stretching routine

When we think of exercise, we often think of building muscle or increasing our aerobic capacity; But sometimes, we underestimate the power of stretching....

Make your own muscle soothing balm

How about some homemade muscle rub cream? This homemade product will penetrate deeply into the muscles, bringing a soothing and relaxing feeling. To make, place 1/2...

Benefits Of Compound Movement Exercises | Build Mass, Burn Fat

The resistance exercises you do in the gym can be categorised into two different types: isolation and compound. Compound exercises involve multiple joints and...

How To Track Your Progress When Bulking

When progressing through one’s lifting career, it’s common to go through gaining or “bulking” phases to gain as much muscle as possible. The use...

How To Do The Close Grip Bench Press | Technique And Variations

In this article: Close Grip Bench Press BenefitsPreparationTechniqueRecoveryCommon MistakesVariations In the gym, triceps training is often associated with pushdowns and other isolation movements, while muscle-building compound movements are...

Romanian Deadlift Exercise | Form & Common Mistakes

The Romanian Deadlift (AKA RDL) targets the hip extensors (glutes) and the knee flexors (hamstrings). It's one of the most effective ways to load...

The physician’s comprehensive guide to natural fat burners

There are more than 2 billion people in the world who are obese or overweight. So, it is no wonder that everyone seems to...

Back to the gym? Here are 3 tips for recovery training

With gyms reopening, many of us are getting ready to get back to our workout routines. This is great news for fitness enthusiasts from...

A Must Try Recipe